Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Kongthong - Sweet Song


Sweet Song

If you’ve ever experienced the winds, playing their music and singing their songs before, you’ve probably been to Kongthong Village already. Nestled between the Sohra and Pynursla ridges is Kongthong village, a part of the Khatar Shnong (12 villages) area that has for too long gone unnoticed by the outside world. One could best describe this village as an idyllic set to discover the little known fringes of Meghalaya. Being located between the two more famous ridges, getting to Kongthong by trekking there from either the Pynursla or the Sohra ridge is an adventure that not many will ever experience. Although a difficult trek, there are a myriad of secrets that are revealed along the way. Long forgotten Living Root Bridges, suspension bridges over some of the clearest water ever seen, bamboo groves that sing an eerie silence and little villages tucked away seemingly forgotten by time are a few things one witnesses on this journey.

Kongthong is a quaint little village with a distinction in Honey production. Although much of it’s inhabitants engage in agriculture, it is a marvel on its own to be able to witness agro-forestry in the steep hills along the village. The unique culture of Kongthong’s inhabitants is what will perplex and confound a visitor, for while in their fields, they do not call out to each other using their names, they instead sing out names that are given to every individual of the village at childhood. This tune, that is different for everyone, allows them to communicate with each other while working their fields, located along the steep hills around the village, thus creating musical echoes amidst the hills that are probably never heard anywhere else in the world.

The Kongthong Traveller’s Nest houses two cottages, built entirely of bamboo and wood, designed in a way that is traditional to the area. We invite you to experience the adventures of Kongthong’s Sweet Songs.

Sample Over Night Package Itinerary:

DAY 1:
8:00 am – Depart for Kongthong Village from Shillong.
11:00 am – Arrive at Kongthong. Check in at the Traveller’s Nest where light refreshments will be served followed by lunch after you have settled in.
12:30 pm – Village Tour to experience for yourself the unique “Songs” of Kongthong.
5:00 pm – Evening tea will be served.
8:30 pm – Dinner will be served. Meals will be served in local styles.
Bonfire and Overnight stay.

DAY 2: Option 1
8:00 am – Breakfast will be served.
9:00 am – A trek to a Hill near the village where you’ll experience the beauty of the entire ridge that houses Kongthong Village, Wahkhen Village and the Riat Rngain.
12:00 pm – Lunch will be served.
4:30 pm – Checkout and depart for Shillong.


DAY 2: Option 2
8:00 am – Breakfast will be served.
9:00 am – Trek to Wahkhen Village.
12:00 pm – Lunch will be served half way along the trek, on the banks of a beautiful and clear river.
5:00pm – Reach Wahkhen Village and have an evening tea in the local tea shops and drive back to Shillong.

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