Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Christmas of Manipur


Festivals hold the key to Manipur and its culture and tradition. The most charming one is the Christmas on December 25 which now a days does not confines to the Christians only. Gospel songs, carols and hymns dominate the festival across the state where many tourists share the joy. Many other foreign tourists attend the prayers in the churches apart from attending the lectures of Jesus Christ making the celebrations more solemn.  
The countdown begins on December 24 where the decorated the pine tree like Christmas tree, stars light give a fresh look to every houseyards apart from song, dance and feast. Church bells and carols break midnight silence to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. The next day agenda begins with prayers in the churches to be followed by the Christmas greetings to the near and dear ones. In the Christian dominated areas, the Christmas feaver grips till the news year’s day. In some parts of the state, the people throng the churches for seven days. But the best place to visit in this season is Imphal where non Christian people also share the joy equally.
Festivity further grips the shops and markets in the urban areas where people, mostly, the Christians buy gifts and sweets to be served on the festival day. Some related events on the occasion include cultural function, dance and music competition, quiz and drawing competition among the children.