Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary

Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary

Wild life sanctuaries speaks of the real health and wealth of Tripura’s tourism front. Tripura, the land of natural beauty and bounty, has been minting no less money on the tourism front. Rowa Wildlife Sanctuary is a must see places for the foreign and domestic tourists in Tripura. Tourists, mostly, reach the wild life sanctuary in North Tripura district from Panisagar on the National Highway to catch a glimpse of the abode of many rare spices of birds and animal.

The sanctuary is small in size which covers an area of 85'85 hectares. But the tourists take immense delight in the sights and sounds of nature as they land the spot of ever green forest with chirping of birds and solemn movements of wild animals. The sanctuary is also known for varies rare species plants and animals providing immense scope for the botany and zoology experts. According to statistics, the small sanctuary is a safe abode for 150 species of birds, wild beasts and primates. Originally, the forest was known for thickening tall trees, protected by the neighbouring Khasi people to cultivate betel leaves which got transformed into a nest of chirping birds. Then the forest department fenced the entire area and stated protecting the forest with a massive awareness drive. Now, the small sanctuary fetches huge revenue with increasing tourists footfall. It is easily reachable with sumo services apart from private vehicles from the capital city of Agartala.

Destination at a Glance
0.86 km2
Nearest city
