Hot Tourist Destinations of Northeast

Durgabari Tea Garden

Agartala, Tripura
Durgabari Tea Garden

Durgabari, the name of a green tea garden in Tripura plays no less role to promote tourism in the north eastern state. The scope for bounteous quality tea has been promoting tea tourism in the state where the tourists from the country and outside can’t resist the temptation of brewing a cup of tea. The factors behind the quality tea are agro climatic conditions, fertile soil, congenial rainfall apart from good marketing network. The average rainfall in this state is around 2100 mm.

Tea cultivation is a part and parcel of Tripura’s economy where the plantation started in 1916. Now Tripura is proud of its 5th position in the country’s 14 tea producing states with 7.5 million kg annual production. But the Durgabari tea garden alone can produce  9,00,000 kg green leaves.

The traditional tea growing state is rich with 60 huge tea gardens apart from 5,000 small tea growers who have been making an immense contribution to uplift the industry. Efforts are on to boost tea production in view of scopes for more plantation.  Organic tea cultivation, if allowed to carry on in a big way, will occupy a huge place in the international market. Foreign tourists, mostly, are impressed with good blending tea quality in the state suggesting considerable scope for big ticket investment in the tea sector.

A well planned cooperative has been ensuring good management of the tea garden which managed to escape any huge loss. Over the years, the production cost refuses to go up only because of the efficient management. The new processing unit has the capacity to process 14 lakh kg of green leaves with a total output of 3,00,000 kg. The Tea Board has infused more fund for quality improvement through marketing and research.

The Durgabari Tea Garden, therefore, strikes the attention of thousands of tourists whose footfalls give the spot a fresh lease of hopes. The evergreen tea garden is reachable by bus and Sumo services from Agartala and the journey is itself pleasant for the tourists to catch a glimpse of the natural sights.

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